ASI: #31971 SAGE: #69032
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All jobs require vector artwork
All jobs require vector or raster artwork
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Raster artwork is an image composed of pixels. This creates an artwork image that is not scalable, editable or able to be spot color separated for reproduction.
Common Raster File Types: .jpg / .bmp / .psd / .tif / .pcx
Vector artwork is created from mathmatical points and paths. This creates a piece of artwork that is editable, scalable and able to be spot color separated for reproduction.
Common Vector File Types: .ai / .eps / .pdf / .fh / .cdr / .indd
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San Serif in All Caps (4 pt. Bold)
Serif in All Caps (6 pt. to 8 pt. Bold)
Common Font Types:
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Consider carefully the colors to be used on your products. Remember that dark lettering on a dark background, or light lettering on a light background, will not be easily legible. In many cases, a slight change in letter color, or a simple outline is all that's necessary to create a much more legible image. For example, as seen below, ultra blue letters don't show up well on a black background. But a slight change to peacock blue makes the letters appear bold against the black. Notice too the improvement in legibility when the letters on the green backgrounds are outlined in a contrasting black or white. It's an easy way to dramatically increase the visibility of the red letters. Our talented graphic artists can advise you as to which colors will work best together to make your message stand out.
ASI: #31971
SAGE: #69032
"This all looks great! Thank you! We are very impressed with the service we receive from this company and tell ALL of our people (thousands) where we get our bracelets from and what kind of service we receive. Never underestimate the importance of service. Thank you for your excellent service."